May 26,27 & June 1,2, 2021 High Fidelity Wraparound Training Institute RegistrationRM_StatsUsername *Password *Password must be at least 7 characters long.Enter password again *Password must be at least 7 characters long.First Name *Last Name *Company/Organization *Title *Business Email *Business Telephone Number *Cell Phone Number *Personal Email *Street Address *City *State/Province/Region *Postal/Zip Code *What best describes your current position? *Select an optionAdministratorCare Coordinator/Case ManagerFamily Youth PartnerThe 4 day Institute is designed to lead to 2 tracks of certification: Track 1: Competency Based Practitioner Certification for those seeking credentialing as a wraparound practitioner. Track 2: Proficiency Based Administrator Certification for those who train, supervise, manage and provide administrative oversight of Wraparound programs and staff; and for those who provide technical assistance, coaching and fidelity monitoring to Systems of Care and Wraparound Program.Please select which track you will be pursuing: *Select an optionCompetency Based Practitioner CertificationProficiency Based Administrator CertificationNon-CertificationWill you be pursuing CEU's for this training? *Select an optionYesNoIf yes for CEU's, what is your FL license number?Narrative describing the service environment in which Wraparound is/will be utilized in your System of Care *Profile of the population to be served *Please select your preferred method of payment. An invoice will be sent to you via email. * Personal Check Company Check Credit Card Note: It looks like JavaScript is disabled in your browser. Some elements of this form may require JavaScript to work properly. If you have trouble submitting the form, try enabling JavaScript momentarily and resubmit. JavaScript settings are usually found in Browser Settings or Browser Developer menu.
The 4 day Institute is designed to lead to 2 tracks of certification:
Track 1: Competency Based Practitioner Certification for those seeking credentialing as a wraparound practitioner.
Track 2: Proficiency Based Administrator Certification for those who train, supervise, manage and provide administrative oversight of Wraparound programs and staff; and for those who provide technical assistance, coaching and fidelity monitoring to Systems of Care and Wraparound Program.